Flower-ED: Flower Care

Caring For Your Flowers

- Place your flowers in a container where they have enough room to breath and bloom

- Trim your stems every time you remove them from water and be sure no leaves, extra petals, etc. are below water level

- Change the water daily [lukewarm preferred]

- Place your flowers in an area where they can get an abundance of indirect light. Think of yourself wanting to sit on the patio, but in the shade.


- Rotate your container throughout the day so all flowers get a hint of sun

- Sing to them and play them music. Although they’re cut flowers, they’re alive, can feel it, and we promise you it works! #energytransfer

- Our last and favorite tip is flower food is optional…your love for them shouldn’t be. Love your flowers, they’ll love you back by blooming beautifully and sending their feel-good properties into your space.