DOPAMINE Dinner + Intentional Experience 

Your Presence Is Requested For Dinner And In Ceremony

Ceremony: To celebrate a specific occasion. A ritual observance performed at grand and formal occasions. To be put simply- an EXPERIENCE.

Nourishing + Nurturing: Be nourished with a three-course chef-prepared meal tailored to the tastes of the season. Be nurtured in an intimate, aesthetically-pleasing setting, mindfully designed for connection, community, networking, and ceremony.

Find Your Soul Tribe Here

Creating The Vibe-A Non-Alcoholic Experience: 

All The Fun: Spirits take away from the intention of being in ceremony, but that doesn't mean we've skipped on flavor, pairings, and celebrations. We have several non-alcoholic libation sponsorships for this experience to be paired with our tasting menu.

Birthing The Vision: Life is for living and experiencing new things. Our DOPAMINE DINNERS + Intentional Experiences were created as the next evolution towards holistic wellness, expanding our brand to encompass mindful socializing, recognizing the importance of communal connection in mental health. It is important for me to have a space where my clients receive all that I offer with Contained Stems. In my opinion, there are two things that bring us together: food and music. This is a space where we create love, fulfill our dreams, and build long-lasting connections. A space where we can come dressed and act in our highest and most favorite versions of ourselves. This is for those who want to contribute to the space as much as they receive from it. This is for those who may not be excited by clubs and lounges any longer and have a different set of priorities. This inclusive approach fosters social cohesion and provides a supportive environment for post-pandemic anxiety alleviation.

I can't wait to connect with you here. 

All my love, --Bee

What To Expect When You Join Us For Our DOPAMINE Dinner + Intentional Experience?

  1. Smudge + Hugs [With consent] - We understand, there's many things you can be doing and spending your energy on and we appreciate you choosing to share in this experience with us. To keep this space sacred, we ask that you be smudged with sage or palo sato upon entering to avoid any outside energy coming inside. Should you wish to engage in a hug afterwards to build connection, we're here for you!
  2.  Light Bites + Connection - Use this time to enjoy the fresh fruit of the season and other light bites that will be available for your arrival. We want everyone to feel comfortable, safe, and welcomed so this is the perfect opportunity to make friends and family!
  3.  Breathwork + Cacao Ceremony- Breathwork is an ancient Indian practice of pranayama, Sanskrit for "breath control". Without our breath, we cannot exist, so it is important to honor our lifeforce and ground into the space. This allows us to quiet any negative chatter about ourselves or others and be fully present in the experience. Cacao is the sacred fruit of the earth and is the only natural element that can produce the bliss molecule [Anandamide] in our bodies outside of marijuana. Cacao allows us to be blissful with an open-mind and an open-heart.
  4.  Chef-prepared Course- Be nurtured with our three-course chef-prepared meal, curated with the best tastes of the season.
  5.  Gratitude Speech- We will be brief- but want to express our gratitude for joining us in this experience!
  6.  Sweets and Non-Alcoholic Champagne followed by music and vibes

We're Holding Your Seat At Our Table Here